Hypnobirthing Bundle

Brown couple laughing together. Pregnant woman laying down, gazing up at male partner reading to her.

Hypnobirthing Bundle

Everything you need to prepare for birth

Starting from 15 weeks onwards

Your body is amazing.
Learn how to harness it’s natural abilities in birth ❤️ ✨ 


I am currently in the process of transitioning the website across and giving it a refresh.

Everything should work as expected (if not send me an email:  [email protected] )

As a one person business and solo parent, I appreciate your patience whilst we get everything just right and looking good. Cheers, Candy


Can I share a secret?



  Just “going with the flow” never works with birth and here’s why…. 



Not knowing what’s happening and what to expect is scary.



 And if you’re scared, you’re not relaxed & calm.

Which is what’s needed for your birth hormones to build in labour, so that things progress as expected.


  So what does work I hear you ask….

spending some time (just a bit along the way) in pregnancy learning about birth & your body,


what to expect, how your birth partner can support you &

how to navigate any bumps along the way….


then with that knowledge under your belt you really can relax and go with the flow.

Knowledge is Power banner

Feel Empowered | Prepared | Supported

our clients loves us

Working out what’s right for you can feel overwhelming

and advocating for yourself can be daunting.



I’ve got you.



I’ve been in the same shoes as you. Wanting to trust my body,

but having so many questions, doubts and worries.



  Navigating pregnancy, birth and our current

maternity system can be a minefield.



 Not to mention  the only exposure to birth I’d had….which came from TV and films



   Where the birthing person was rushed off to hospital

and when they were told to,  pushing their baby out in a dramatised way,

whilst stuck on a bed….


eek no wonder it felt so scary!!

Image of Candy Elsbeth

Now, I’m not here to make empty promises,

and frankly, I talk openly and honestly about all things birth

(and that’s just how I am in every area of my life)

so I’m not about to bullshit you at any point.



We can’t predict how birth unfolds, but the decisions you make,

based on the knowledge you’ll gain, will have an impact on how your birth unfolds.



 Working on your mindset and understanding how to advocate for yourself

in this part of your journey, when you’re feeling the most vulnerable

you’ve perhaps ever felt in your adult life, can feel  like an uphill battle,

but it doesn’t have to be with the right support. 

 Do you want to feel empowered

leading up to the birth of your baby,

as well as prepared &

perhaps even excited?

 Are you ready to do the work

to prepare for birth but aren’t really sure

where to start? 

 Are you looking for a course you can do in your own time,

at your own pace and repeat as and when?

Are you keen to learn how to care for your newborn

and not only survive, but thrive?

Human pelvis sat on top of a birth book

It All Starts With Your Hormones....

 When you’re stressed and anxious, your body releases an array of hormones.

These hormones work against oxytocin.

If you don’t know, oxytocin is the hormone that helps your contractions to be both effective (strong) and consistent.

So, we don’t want to get in the way of that!

Hypnobirthing teaches you tools to use that can help keep your stress hormones at bay,

whilst encouraging all that wonderful love hormone, oxytocin ✨🩵✨

Why choose me to

walk with you through

your journey?

I’m Candy, founder of Nourishing Birth & Beyond.

I’m a solo mum to 3 beauties, whose pregnancies, births and newborn journeys were all so very different! 

 I’m passionate about creating access to resources and tools for a positive birth.

Using a variety of techniques from yoga, to hypnobirthing,  meditation, mindfulness and relaxations,

as well as having a wealth of science based knowledge about birth and lactation,

I would love to support you on your journey in a way that suits your individual needs. 

 I’m a queer, neurodivergent, “doesn’t fit in a box” kind of person.

In my spare time (ok I don’t get a huge amount of spare time….),

when I can I love a gin, dancing like no one is watching & cold sea swimming!

Candy Elsbeth, white person with short brown hair, holding human pelvis and baby doll moving through

What is the Hypnobirthing Bundle?

  •   Relax, Flow & Birth, Digital Hypnobirthing Course (value £99)

  • Online Pregnancy Yoga Pack (value £25)

  • Infant Feeding Essentials Workshop (value £45)

  • Masterclass-  Calm Beginnings: A Guide to Managing Postpartum Stress & Anxiety   (value £15)

  • Birth Positions Manual PDF (value £15)


          Total value £199 for ONLY £79 early bird offer 

-> Relax, Flow & Birth, Digital Hypnobirthing Course 

This course is based on my 5* in person Relax, Flow & Birth Hypnobirthing Course. 

This 5* course encompasses my medical knowledge, yoga skills and birth expertise, giving you an array of tools and knowledge for birth. This full day course is jam packed full of helpful content. And dare I say it…. I’ve been told on several occasions that it is far superior to NCT 🤷‍♀️

 You’ll learn everything you need to prepare for birth, ensuring your birth partner is clued up and ready to support you, and a heap of tools you can try, depending on what is right for you. You’ll feel empowered and perhaps even excited about birth!


 Taking it digitally means you can access it wherever you are in the world and that you can go at your own pace and in your own way. 


 For more info on what Relax, Flow & Birth is about go here 


-> Online Pregnancy Yoga Pack 

Containing  5x fabulous yoga classes, for whatever energy level you have and stage of

pregnancy and 2x relaxing yoga Nidras, which you can listen to alone or after your practice.

-> Infant Feeding Essentials Workshop

 This 90min workshop contains all you need to know to get off to the best start with feeding your little one.

It’s important to do some learning about nursing ahead of time, even if you’re not completely sure how long you want to do it etc.

Babies supported in the right way, can get the perfect latch (ie pain free feeding) from the first feed,

which then helps them continue to feed well going forward.

Which is all explained in the video.

What can help and what can hinder feeding, and how best to get going.

The feedback from this workshop is excellent!

-> Masterclass-  Calm Beginnings: Managing Postpartum Stress

In this 1hr masterclass, learn a variety of techniques that can help with shifting anxiety.

From EFT (tapping) to breathe work and more. 

Having this in your pocket when you need it, in those sleep deprived early months

of postpartum, is a game changer. 

-> Birth Positions Manual

Keeping active in labour is key to encouraging your baby down the birth canal and out into the world.

Showing you a variety of easy to use birth positions in this must have downloadable PDF booklet.

Isn’t it all a bit woo woo hippy stuff?

Actually no. It’s based on science, and the way your body works, your body’s physiology. 

  I get it, the words hypnobirthing & meditation  can paint an unusual picture,

when in fact they’re both evidence informed and support your body to do its thing!

Plus they’re accessible for almost everyone, anywhere!


It would be immoral for me or anyone to make that sort of guarantee. We all know birth is unpredictable, BUT we also know that positive births don’t come by pure luck (ok, occasionally they do but not usually).

For the most part, it’s down to putting time into preparing for birth using both mindset and birth tools, as well as what feels helpful to you and your journey.

So of course, this isn’t the only way, but as my previously clients will contest, it’s a great way to be on the right track.

Nope. I won’t be giving you advice. Instead I will give you all the information you need, so that you can have confidence in making the best decision for you and your family.


In short -yes.

Working on mindset and preparing mentally and emotionally for birth will take some time.

The more you put in, the more you’ll get out of this experience.

And what that looks like for you will be different to someone else.

This isn’t meant to be hard work though. It’s small, gradual steps, and just continuing to nudge in the right direction with my guidance.

If you’re after a more personalised approach, find out about my 1:1 packages here https://www.nourishingbirthandbeyond.co.uk/mindset-guru

Kind of. I offer the Relax, Flow & Birth Hypnobirthing Course in person, and the other aspects of this bundle can be purchased seperately.