I’m Not Ready To Give Birth At The End Of Pregnancy!

A lot of people haven’t held a newborn before getting pregnant, let alone watched one being born.

That’s generally the same for breastfeeding/nursing. So it’s no wonder it can all feel a bit overwhelming and scary.

Perhaps think about what your exposure to birth has been like and the impact it has had on you?

Is it dramatised TV and films? A horror story from a loved one? (NOT helpful!) Or your own mums experience, which was filled with fear and stress?

If this is all you’ve been exposed to until now, of course you’re worried!

It’s time to spin these images all on their head.

When properly prepared, giving birth can truly be  positive and empowering. Understanding your choices and how birth works is key to your experience. Knowledge in power. 

“it’s the hardest, but best work I have ever done!” was the feedback from one client.

 But Labour Is Going To Be Painful Right?

The answer to this question varies. Yes, some people do experience contractions as painful, but did you know that most epidurals used in labour are due to maternal exhaustion rather than not coping with contractions?

Your body is perfectly built to birth your baby. And it’s down to people like me, to show you how to support both your mind and body in preparing for the big day.

When we injure ourself and experience pain, it’s a protective strategy to prevent further damage. The sensations of labour are different. It’s a good sort of “pain” as every contraction is a step closer to meeting your baby. Your body and your hormones are designed to make birth as comfortable as possible and using simple tools, such as hypnobirthing techniques can really help you cope. 

Addressing any fear and anxiety you have now is key to keeping adrenaline at bay when you’re in labour, as that prevents your body’s natural pain relieving hormones oxytocin and endorphins, from working.

Learning about natural (physiological) birth and all other possibilities will put you in the best position to feel calm and relaxed on the day. Using your breath, yoga and hypnobirthing techniques will get your prepared for a positive birth experience.

 Allowing birth to unfold in its own way, in its own time is the best way to avoid unnecessary medical intervention, and if you should need additional support there is plenty you can do to keep hold of that positive experience. 

There’s so much we can’t control, particularly how birth unfolds, though we can make it easier by creating the right environment, using helpful tools and having great support.

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