Dummies and Tongue Tie: Friend or Foe in Your Baby’s Journey?


Ever wondered how dummies might be linked to tongue tie and what that means for your little one’s development? Don’t worry, I’m not here to bash the use of dummies or tell you how to parent, instead I would love to provide you with some useful information. 

Understanding Tongue Tie: What is it Really?  

In a nutshell, tongue tie is a restriction of the tongue, caused by the lingual frenulum being shorter or tighter than it should be. This prevents the tongue moving as it should and can have an impact on things like feeding, sucking, and also can have a larger impact on development and a full body effect. You heard me right: tongue restriction can have a larger impact. The role of the tongue helps to calm the nervous system as well as facilitate things such as crawling and walking. Keep reading to learn more.

Tongue restriction usually causes tension to the upper body, (face, neck, & shoulders) which can have a knock on effect of creating tension elsewhere in the body. Sometimes even in the ankles and calves, which can have a knock on effect for an infant learning to move / crawl / walk etc.

For the nervous system to be relaxed and calm, the tongue needs to sit in an elevated position behind the teeth and gum line. This allows the nervous system to get into the rest and digest part of the nervous system, also known as the parasympathetic nervous system. When the tongue is restricted, it can’t do this. So this can be why some babies have a real “need” for a dummy to calm themself.

There are no universals when it comes to tongue tie. I have seen babies who are HUGELY impacted and are about to undergo genetic investigations and potentially looking to be given a “global delay” type diagnosis at nearly a year old, who come to clinic, only to have a dramatic turn around simply by getting their tongue moving more with gentle exercises! And although this is relatively rare (for babies to be so profoundly impacted by oral dysfunction), I have seen it on more than one occasion and these are the cases where their parents have heard of the potential impact of tongue tie being the cause. 

And at the other end of the spectrum there are babies who seemingly “get by” without any tongue tie support. 

The Dummy Connection: Friend or Foe?

Some babies with oral dysfunction LOVE a dummy and others have zero interest.

Today, let’s look at those babies who LOVE a dummy, or alternatively like to nurse/ breastfeed constantly and perhaps seemingly for comfort. 

So we have already mentioned that these babies “need” a dummy or to suckle. For these babies, the dummy/ breast/ chest is sat in place of where the tongue should be. What we ideally want to do is get the baby’s tongue moving well so that it can sit in an elevated position instead so the constant suckling isn’t needed. This can be done through tongue exercises (if you can’t get to a holistic practitioner for an individualised plan, perhaps see if you can find helpful stuff on youtube or seek out a virtual consultation from someone like myself) and if a tongue tie is present, having this divided by a holistic practitioner (in the UK that’s someone who like myself, trained by Carmelle Gentle from the Tongue Tie Centre). 

If you are using a dummy, just use it to soothe your little one, and then remove it so it’s out of the way so the tongue can take its place. This works the same if you think your baby is just suckling for comfort after feeding. You can gently encourage the tongue up after removing a dummy/ breast/ chest, by gently closing your baby’s mouth and then pressing the soft bit just under the chin and behind the chin bone, to encourage the tongue up. 

What if this isn’t working or you’re struggling with more issues?

Seek out your nearest holistic practitioner to ensure you’re addressing all the issues and not just solely looking at a tongue tie division being a full solution. Cutting a tongue tie is only a small piece of the puzzle. If you’re unable to access a holistic practitioner, seeing a cranio-sacral osteopath to address physical imbalance is often invaluable, and would be recommended alongside holistic tongue tie support in every instance. 

Ready to feel more confident in your parenting journey? Reach out for personalised support or schedule a consultation today to discuss any concerns about infant feeding or tongue tie issues. There is always something that can be done, even if your baby has had a tongue tie division before.

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